
你是否發現:最近傍晚時分,不再夜幕低垂,一天比一天明亮?那是因為:春天來了!春天萬物甦醒,生氣蓬勃、活力再現,這一次Teacher Jack要和你分享有關春天的一些想法喔!
What is your New Year’s resolution?
It is a question we often ask after January 1st, expecting the New Year to bring along with it changes both in the world and within ourselves. These resolutions often center around giving something up (chocolate, ice cream, etc.), learning something new, or getting in shape. The problem that often follows these resolutions is that they are too difficult to keep, but the question is why? Why is it so difficult to change even when the year is new?
What I’ve come to notice is that, though the year has changed, the world outside is still frozen. Whether you live in the north and get slammed with snow storms or the south drowning in rain, the world has yet to change into something different from the day before. That change won’t come until the spring. Not until the weather, trees, flowers, and sunlight begin to change will we feel the pull to do the same. It is a time of hope and that is something we so greatly need when it comes to making a change within ourselves. So don’t be discouraged.
Just wait.
Spring is the time when roots grow stronger and the opportunity to plant new ones appears. The world begins to take on the green color that can be as connected to nature as it is to new experiences. So here are some inspirational quotes to help you in the coming spring to take that extra step, whether it be for little or big changes.
“The way to get started is to quit talking and to start doing.” –Walt Disney
“There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth…not going all the way and not starting.” –Buddha
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” –Helen Keller
“There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate leap in the opposite direction.” –Franz Kafka
Finally, I implore you to do something new. Whether it be small or large, it is important to remember that our day-to-day lives need to be brought back to life after the hibernation of winter. That is what the spring time is for.